David Davis http://8845ltedtech.blogspot.com/2012/01/module-connectivism.html?showComment=1327769339644#c1509785347831921160
EDUC 8845

Saturday, January 28, 2012
Module 4 - I have posted to:
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Collaboration, reflection
Networking has changed my way of learning by offering an generous amount of resources that were once impossible to obtain. Networking provides collaboration that enables one to reflect upon facts and opinions which allow the comparison and contrast more quickly. According to Siemens (2006) networking via technology enables one to open the doors to conversations, Siemens continues, “Every nuance, every characteristic, can be dissected and represented in multiple ways and perspectives,” (p. 77).
Digital devices are plentiful. The digital device that best facilitates my research is known to be the Elluminate/Blackboard collaboration tool. Elluminate/Blackboard has the ability for one to use their an variety of their various intelligences to listen, question, and express thoughts effectively and collaboratively with professors and classmates. The innovation allows interpersonal as well as intrapersonal opportunities in which to understand others’ intentions while adapting and adjusting to one’s own fears and motivation.
When seeking new knowledge YouTube, TeacherTube, or Teacher Domain is typically referred to for visual presentations as well as interactive suggestion that address my concerns.
Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing knowledge. Retrieved from http://www.lulu.com/.
Digital devices are plentiful. The digital device that best facilitates my research is known to be the Elluminate/Blackboard collaboration tool. Elluminate/Blackboard has the ability for one to use their an variety of their various intelligences to listen, question, and express thoughts effectively and collaboratively with professors and classmates. The innovation allows interpersonal as well as intrapersonal opportunities in which to understand others’ intentions while adapting and adjusting to one’s own fears and motivation.
When seeking new knowledge YouTube, TeacherTube, or Teacher Domain is typically referred to for visual presentations as well as interactive suggestion that address my concerns.
Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing knowledge. Retrieved from http://www.lulu.com/.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Howard Rheingold (2008) gave a summary to the fact that people naturally have an instinct to seek out alliances to collaborate. He quoted, “Technology provides tools for collaboration across time and space, as exemplified in Wikipedia.”
I am unsure I agree with this statement. I believe the truth to this comment lie in the fact of the prior knowledge one may have to offer to the discussion. According to George Siemens (2006) human existence is a quest to understand (p. 4). The more knowledge, the more one would seem amenable to collaborate. I do not think individuals strive to appear ignorant in any subject area, which may influence their amount of involvement.
Face-to-face communication devices (e.g. Skype, ooVoo) are essentials tools for effective collaboration for certain personality types. Furthermore, individuals who learn linguistically may choose devices such as, blogs or wikis in order to use written language to express their thoughts, questions, and concerns.
A vital area in education research is the effects of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) on students’ academic learning gain and students’ motivation toward school. To achieve the goals set by NCLB, an educator must seek the required variables to ensure all academic students will obtain adequate yearly progress (AYP) by NCLB’s deadline in 2014 (NCLB, 2001). Parental involvement, either directly or indirectly, has been identified as a crucial variable (Rogers & Wright, 2007). Parental involvement is linked to students’ outcome in various ways, including higher academic achievement, greater self-efficacy, and more positive attitudes toward education (Rogers, et al., 2009).
Communication between classrooms and families is essential for establishing trusting relationships that foster parental involvement in the child's learning experiences. Communication technology (CT) offers elementary school parents the means to become actively involved in their child’s learning experiences. CT offers the mean for parental involvement without losing valuable time from their work place. It creates a balance for active participation of the elementary school parent without being visible in the classroom setting, therefore, cultivating adolescent independence in a collaborative fashion (Rogers & Wright, 2007).
Rogers, R. & Wright, V. (2008). Assessing technology’s role in
communication between parents
and middle schools. Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education.Vol. 7
Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing knowledge. Retrieved from http://www.lulu.com/
I am unsure I agree with this statement. I believe the truth to this comment lie in the fact of the prior knowledge one may have to offer to the discussion. According to George Siemens (2006) human existence is a quest to understand (p. 4). The more knowledge, the more one would seem amenable to collaborate. I do not think individuals strive to appear ignorant in any subject area, which may influence their amount of involvement.
Face-to-face communication devices (e.g. Skype, ooVoo) are essentials tools for effective collaboration for certain personality types. Furthermore, individuals who learn linguistically may choose devices such as, blogs or wikis in order to use written language to express their thoughts, questions, and concerns.
A vital area in education research is the effects of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) on students’ academic learning gain and students’ motivation toward school. To achieve the goals set by NCLB, an educator must seek the required variables to ensure all academic students will obtain adequate yearly progress (AYP) by NCLB’s deadline in 2014 (NCLB, 2001). Parental involvement, either directly or indirectly, has been identified as a crucial variable (Rogers & Wright, 2007). Parental involvement is linked to students’ outcome in various ways, including higher academic achievement, greater self-efficacy, and more positive attitudes toward education (Rogers, et al., 2009).
Communication between classrooms and families is essential for establishing trusting relationships that foster parental involvement in the child's learning experiences. Communication technology (CT) offers elementary school parents the means to become actively involved in their child’s learning experiences. CT offers the mean for parental involvement without losing valuable time from their work place. It creates a balance for active participation of the elementary school parent without being visible in the classroom setting, therefore, cultivating adolescent independence in a collaborative fashion (Rogers & Wright, 2007).
For further
information: http://ejite.isu.edu/Volume7/Rogers.pdf
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001,
20 U.S.C. § 6319 (2008).
Rheingold, H. (2008, February).
Howard Rheingold on collaboration [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/howard_rheingold_on_collaboration.html
Rogers, M., Theule, J., Ryan, B., Adams, G., & Keating, L.
(2009). Parental involvement and
children’s school achievement: Evidence for Mediating Processes. Canadian
Journal of School Psychology, 24, 34 – 58.and middle schools. Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education.Vol. 7
Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing knowledge. Retrieved from http://www.lulu.com/
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