EDUC 8845

EDUC 8845

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Disruptive Power of Second Life

Second Life (SL) becomes a disruptive technology through its effort to change the way individuals use the internet. According to Rosedale (2008), the internet is a tool to manage, create, exchange, and absorb ideas using a 2-D method in forms of text and images. SL incorporates the same concept through a 3-D virtual reality application. Their concept continues to challenge search engines, the Consumer Report, social sites, instant messengers, as well as the traditional brick-and-mortar classroom environment.

SL replaces the 2-D technology of Sims City, Giga pets, and other forms of virtual entertainment, as well. Providing virtual experiences through a 3-D distribution and collaborative approach, SL adds challenges to blogging, wikis, and other collaborative learning environments. This virtual environment enables dialog through instant messaging among its members. Onsite dialog shortens the timespan required in reaching answers, as well as other learning objectives. The traditional 2-D approach can take days for an individual to come to a resolution to their question or concern which may interfere with their learning style.

SL’s instant messaging technique creates a social and collaborative atmosphere. Identity to speakers of the dialog is provided by through the creation of an avatar. The avatar may not reflex the actual physical appearance of the individual, although it does represent a perspective to the individual’s personality.

SL will remain in existent as it becomes emerged throughout distance learning and other social settings. Creating a virtual, collaborative group provide an alternative for technology users possessing the interpersonal learning style. Creating an avatar, as a metaphor for oneself, provides the means for technology users with the intrapersonal learning style, (Lumosity, 2012). The avatar enables the individual to collaboratively participant in a group setting while hiding in comfort behind their computer screen.

SL will continue to support an unique virtual alternative, until the telepresence through holographic images becomes emerged into society, (Dimensional Studios, 2008). Nevertheless, both types of disruptive technologies offer features and means that entice various learning styles adding value to experience.


Lumosity, (2012). Overview of learning styles. Retrieved from

 Dimensional Studios. (2008). Musion eyeliner: 3D holographic projection system. Retrieved

Rosedale, P. (2008). Philip Rosedale on Second Life [Video]. Retrieved from

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Module 3 - Rhymes of History

Rhymes of History Technology

In the late 1800s telephone operators created an atmosphere of intimacy between customers. Often one operator would serve the same group of customers daily. Customers began to recognize their operator’s voice and identified them as individuals. Often, operators become dependent upon to obtain various information at hand, such as the latest news, weather, time, and even gossip.

Twitter and other instant messages model the original telephone operator connecting information from one source to many others. Depending upon others becomes hereditary and necessary to one’s life by the innate need and desire to depending on others for support.

According to Kelly’s concepts of embodiment, telephone operators were the source or portal connecting one machine to another, (Kelly, 2007). Acquiring various types of information (e.g. current events, weather, etc.) the telephone operator restructured a means of delivery from visual to auditory. Lastly, society became co-dependent on the telephone operator in the early 1900’s, similar to today’s society becoming dependent on transmitting and receiving information instantly via Twitter or other sources of instant messaging.


Kelly, K. (2007, December). Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the Web [Speech]. Speech

            delivered at the EG 2007 Conference, Los Angeles. Retrieved from


Laureate Education, Inc. (2009) Rhymes of history. Baltimore, MD: Author.

IEEE Global History Network (2012). Telephone operators. Retrieved from