I responded to Curt's Walden blog, as well as Karen Wondergem on February 20.
EDUC 8845

Monday, February 20, 2012
Module 6 - Learning Styles
Building upon previous experiences becomes essential and
non-negotiable in teaching and learning. I agree with Driscoll (2002) that learning
experiences should adhere to a set of principles. The underlying principles
states that learning occurs in context, it is active, it is social, and it must
be reflective. It is creating experiences the learner builds upon. During the
experiences, reflection becomes most relevant to long-term memory. No matter
which learning styles or multiple intelligences building upon a previous
experience becomes critical in mastering a new concept (Dewey 1938/1997).
Driscoll, M. P. (2001). Computers for What? Examining the Roles of Technology in Teachingand Learning. Educational Research & Evaluation, 7(2/3),
Progressivism is essential to my style of learning.
Technology adds to progressivism, but also forces my weaker style to emerge.
Online learning require the application of visual learning or spatial, the less
dominant of my styles. Often I struggle with the linguistics, to understand the
true objective. However technology offers many resources to supplement my
deficiency (e.g.Youtube, blackboard). According to Dewey, (1938/1997) if one
build upon experiences this must occur during a time frame. When there is large
lapse among Q & A, my thought processes have disconnected from the topic or
objective. These gaps require me to start again at the beginning. Fortunately,
our digital world offer several alternatives for all learning styles (e.g.
Ellumination/blackboard, Skype) provide an excellent resource for online
collaboration with visuals by adding the instant gratification to questions or
Dewey, J. (1938/1997). Experience and education. New York,
NY: Touchstone.Driscoll, M. P. (2001). Computers for What? Examining the Roles of Technology in Teachingand Learning. Educational Research & Evaluation, 7(2/3),
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Module 5 - New Technologies "A Motivational Design"
I am familiar with an organization that underwent renovations. Prior to the renovations, the only visible signs of technology were a few
random Macintosh PCs. The current administrator came to the organization with a
vision to motivate teachers in order to implement change into a community where change
had not been evident in decades. The mentality of the staff reflected
technology innovations were never required or warranted in order to maintain a
satisfactory rating within the district. Although based on a new classroom
assessment tool, the organization is lacking proficiency to integrate
technology into their classroom curriculum and it change would become inevitable.
No longer surviving in historical traditions, their
non-acceptance of technology would have a long-term effect on the
organization's mission statement, “Providing academic excellence for all
students.” The majority of instructors fail to effectively integrate technology
as mandated by the state standards and newly created classroom assessment tool (Clark, 2010). During an interview, the
administrator identified the area of biggest concern among this assessment tool was teachers demonstrating knowledge of resources and technology.
Teachers were surveyed to gain insight towards the
hesitation with technology. Based on the results, the common factors were
identified as: a lack of hardware resources, maintaining the equipment already
in possession, and providing adequate professional technology training. Less
than 2% of the educators freely elect to participate in district technology
training. Teachers collaborately agreed that trainings were pointless due to
the event the resources must become
available, properly maintained, and adequate training must be provided in order to demonstrate an understanding of resources.
Clark, T. (2010). Florida standards: Florida Department of
Education Retrieved from: http://etc.usf.edu/flstandards/index.html
Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for
instruction (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson
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