EDUC 8845

EDUC 8845

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Module 5 - Red Queens and Increasing Returns

Trying to locate movies by Philip K. Dick was more difficult than expected. Being a member of Netflix, I first sorted through their inventory, although could not find a single title by Philip Dick in their library. My second attempt took me to Redbox and Blockbuster Express. Unfortunately, both led me down an unsuccessful path. Thirdly, I ventured to in the effort to purchase one of Mr. Dick's DVDs. Screening through the many vendors, I made the attempt to choose a company offering overnight delivery. Unfortunately, upon finalization of the order, the delivery time reflexed 14 days into the future. The Ohio Company gladly canceled my order and refunded the sale. This led me with the only option to purchase the video-on-demand, although it became required to select among the many companies offering the movies at various prices.

I took comfort in settling to downloading Philip Dick's Paycheck through Amazon’s Instant View believing in the reputation of their services. The last thing I desired to happen would be downloading an internet bug or virus through an unknown company just to save a buck or two.

I think the current competition between DVDs and video-on-demand is an example of Red Queens as the two race through completion, (Laureate, 2009). DVDs offered by mail through Netflix, in addition to the local kiosk, offer selections at a lower price, although have limited inventory. The multiple, convenient locations entice viewers to venture the short distance to save on cost. Nevertheless, in addition to, instances described above in selecting my sci-fi movie, video-on-demand sales increase during times of sickness, as well as, rainy days.

Kiosks, DVDs by mail and video-on-demand have driven the traditional movie rental franchise into obsolescence as their completion intensified, (Thornburg, 2008c). Blockbusters and Hollywood Movies stores have closed doors and diminished throughout the bay area.


Laureate Education, Inc. (2009) Increasing returns. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Thornburg, D. (2008c). Emerging Technologies and McLuhan's Laws of Media. Lake Barrington, IL: Thornburg Center for Space Exploration.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Disruptive Power of Second Life

Second Life (SL) becomes a disruptive technology through its effort to change the way individuals use the internet. According to Rosedale (2008), the internet is a tool to manage, create, exchange, and absorb ideas using a 2-D method in forms of text and images. SL incorporates the same concept through a 3-D virtual reality application. Their concept continues to challenge search engines, the Consumer Report, social sites, instant messengers, as well as the traditional brick-and-mortar classroom environment.

SL replaces the 2-D technology of Sims City, Giga pets, and other forms of virtual entertainment, as well. Providing virtual experiences through a 3-D distribution and collaborative approach, SL adds challenges to blogging, wikis, and other collaborative learning environments. This virtual environment enables dialog through instant messaging among its members. Onsite dialog shortens the timespan required in reaching answers, as well as other learning objectives. The traditional 2-D approach can take days for an individual to come to a resolution to their question or concern which may interfere with their learning style.

SL’s instant messaging technique creates a social and collaborative atmosphere. Identity to speakers of the dialog is provided by through the creation of an avatar. The avatar may not reflex the actual physical appearance of the individual, although it does represent a perspective to the individual’s personality.

SL will remain in existent as it becomes emerged throughout distance learning and other social settings. Creating a virtual, collaborative group provide an alternative for technology users possessing the interpersonal learning style. Creating an avatar, as a metaphor for oneself, provides the means for technology users with the intrapersonal learning style, (Lumosity, 2012). The avatar enables the individual to collaboratively participant in a group setting while hiding in comfort behind their computer screen.

SL will continue to support an unique virtual alternative, until the telepresence through holographic images becomes emerged into society, (Dimensional Studios, 2008). Nevertheless, both types of disruptive technologies offer features and means that entice various learning styles adding value to experience.


Lumosity, (2012). Overview of learning styles. Retrieved from

 Dimensional Studios. (2008). Musion eyeliner: 3D holographic projection system. Retrieved

Rosedale, P. (2008). Philip Rosedale on Second Life [Video]. Retrieved from

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Module 3 - Rhymes of History

Rhymes of History Technology

In the late 1800s telephone operators created an atmosphere of intimacy between customers. Often one operator would serve the same group of customers daily. Customers began to recognize their operator’s voice and identified them as individuals. Often, operators become dependent upon to obtain various information at hand, such as the latest news, weather, time, and even gossip.

Twitter and other instant messages model the original telephone operator connecting information from one source to many others. Depending upon others becomes hereditary and necessary to one’s life by the innate need and desire to depending on others for support.

According to Kelly’s concepts of embodiment, telephone operators were the source or portal connecting one machine to another, (Kelly, 2007). Acquiring various types of information (e.g. current events, weather, etc.) the telephone operator restructured a means of delivery from visual to auditory. Lastly, society became co-dependent on the telephone operator in the early 1900’s, similar to today’s society becoming dependent on transmitting and receiving information instantly via Twitter or other sources of instant messaging.


Kelly, K. (2007, December). Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the Web [Speech]. Speech

            delivered at the EG 2007 Conference, Los Angeles. Retrieved from


Laureate Education, Inc. (2009) Rhymes of history. Baltimore, MD: Author.

IEEE Global History Network (2012). Telephone operators. Retrieved from

Monday, June 18, 2012

EDUC 8848 Emerging and Future Technologies

Module 1:

The interactive white board is a matured technology among various educational settings. Nevertheless, this interactive device remains emerging at my local educational setting. SMART technologies and Microsoft Surface introduced the touch surface approximately two decades ago (Thornburg, 2009). In 2004 at the conclusion of a lengthy professional development provided by SMART technologies, I pursued the principal to acquire three interactive boards. The interactive boards assist to differentiate instruction and actively engage elementary students. One of the three boards would be showcased in my classroom during School Advisory Committee meetings (SAC). Showcasing the capabilities of the technology to colleagues, parents, as well as the general public would assist to obtain additional funds. The funds would become allocated to purchase additional interactive boards, as well as the additional hardware required in the classroom setting (e.g. LCD projectors, laptops).

Within two years of the initial purchase, five additional boards were added to the inventory. As of 2012, my local community owns eight SMART interactive mobile whiteboards and five stationary Promethean interactive boards. Nevertheless, four of the eight interactive SMART boards remain in a solitary area in the school’s media center. Two of the boards have hardware issues, and the other two have not been requested by the classroom teachers. The four additional SMART boards remaining in the classroom setting primarily use is a projection screen.

The problems creating the interactive board to remain as an emerging technology are the lack of professional development training, the additional required hardware,  maintenance on the hardware, and accountability support among the classroom teachers.

            The societal need the interactive boards meet provides the classroom teacher a new avenue to differentiate instruction. The board enables the students to showcase their knowledge in the safe environment of their classroom setting. The board enables projection of virtual field trips, virtual dissections in the science classroom, as well as many additional educational benefits.

Ongoing professional development and maintenance support would transfer the interactive board from an emerging technology to an emerged technology at my local community. Accountability and district support showcasing the benefits would assist in this transformation, as well.


Laureate Education, Inc. (2009) Emerging and future technology. Baltimore, MD: Author.

SMART Technologies, (2012). The history of smart. Retrieved June 18, 2012 from  

Thornburg, D. D. (2009a). Current trends in educational technology. Lake Barrington, IL: Thornburg Center for Space Exploration.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Module 6 - Responses

I  responded to Curt's Walden blog, as well as Karen Wondergem on February 20. 

Module 6 - Learning Styles

Building upon previous experiences becomes essential and non-negotiable in teaching and learning. I agree with Driscoll (2002) that learning experiences should adhere to a set of principles. The underlying principles states that learning occurs in context, it is active, it is social, and it must be reflective. It is creating experiences the learner builds upon. During the experiences, reflection becomes most relevant to long-term memory. No matter which learning styles or multiple intelligences building upon a previous experience becomes critical in mastering a new concept (Dewey 1938/1997).

Progressivism is essential to my style of learning. Technology adds to progressivism, but also forces my weaker style to emerge. Online learning require the application of visual learning or spatial, the less dominant of my styles. Often I struggle with the linguistics, to understand the true objective. However technology offers many resources to supplement my deficiency (e.g.Youtube, blackboard). According to Dewey, (1938/1997) if one build upon experiences this must occur during a time frame. When there is large lapse among Q & A, my thought processes have disconnected from the topic or objective. These gaps require me to start again at the beginning. Fortunately, our digital world offer several alternatives for all learning styles (e.g. Ellumination/blackboard, Skype) provide an excellent resource for online collaboration with visuals by adding the instant gratification to questions or concerns.

Dewey, J. (1938/1997). Experience and education. New York, NY: Touchstone.

Driscoll, M. P. (2001). Computers for What? Examining the Roles of Technology in Teachingand Learning. Educational Research & Evaluation, 7(2/3),