EDUC 8845

EDUC 8845

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Module 2 - Tetrad Module


  1. Reversing to voice activated is excellent, going even further mind control may possibly reverse the voice activated faucet. I also examined reversion from battery operated to household wired or possible use of lasers instead of LEDs.

    1. Candice:
      When technology gets to the point in which our minds can control things, it may get a little scary. My mind normally is multi-tasking, so it is hard to determine what I would end up with. :-)

  2. Carol and CJ;
    Have you noticed the poor reliability of hands-free faucets in public restrooms? Point in case, typical in the men's room at Walmart or movie theaters are 5-6 sinks with hands-free faucets. Last I noticed I had to try 3 different sinks before I received a metered amount of water to cleanse. Duly noted that one is stuck with the technology offered in public areas. Digital technology comes with a downside; higher failure rates than mechanical plumbing. Note that many homes that are over 50 years old still have reliable plumbing, but perhaps not as high-tech. Do you choose reliability over convenience?


  3. Hi Cheryl,
    I appreciate your post here. I will have a thorough post response plus my own in the am- I just arrived home after 5 days to find my home network is down- I am using my iPhone for this post! Thank goodness for iPhone...

  4. Hi Cheryl,
    I agree with David- I can barely get the hands-free to come on and rinse my hands after I have soaped them up!
    I choose reliability over convenience, any day of the week. Just an example- the iPhone was great in a pinch to let you know I was posting today- however, the reliability of my in home network is preferred. I am currently posting from the Starbucks as I await the correction of my home service...Not convenient, yet reliable WiFi!

  5. Cheryl et al; I think this short quip is indicative of the risks we take with technology for convenience and more features. Recently downgraded my cell to minimal features; text and calls; plenty to keep me connected and less frustrated......less is more for me.


  6. Group,

    I think as technology matures we find the faults and improve them. As we know many items come to market before the "kinks" are worked out, think about it, upgrades and fixes in software alone could fill a page. As we learn more improvements are made, automobiles can now park themselves and are common options, they can also drive themselves (not common yet). Improvements in technology come or the technology reverses to something else to accomplish a task - dial up connections to cable/dsl and wifi.
